Monday 9 August 2010

Gold Again at Sandringham Flower Show

We were at Sandringham Flower Show once again in late July and were delighted to catch up with many old friends. It was wonderful to hear that our seeds and plants bring so much pleasure and, in spite of the baking conditions at times this summer, pleasing that many of you have done really well with sweet peas and fuchsias. We were concerned that the hot weather would prevent us finding quality sweet pea blooms but they appeared in the nick of time and we picked masses of bunches from the trial house. We also took the pick of our fuchsias and put on what we think was our best display yet.....

The judges agreed as they awarded us a Large Gold Medal for the second year running. We'd just like to thank all that visited us and also our hosts from The Sandringham Estate who once again made us so welcome. We hope to see you all again next year.